Implementing Effective Strategies to Foster Environmental Care Character among Students




Elementary school, Environmental caring, Learning strategies, Student character


This study employs a qualitative research approach with a case study design to investigate the teacher's strategy in developing students' environmental caring character, as well as the factors that support and hinder this strategy in the 3T area. The research subjects consist of school principals, teachers, and students at public elementary school Belitang, Indonesia. Data were collected using interviews, observations, and documentation analysis, and analyzed through data reduction, presentation, and conclusion. The study finds that the teacher's strategy in cultivating the character of caring for the environment for students is successful, as it involves planning, directing, and implementing environmentally sound policies, providing motivation, creating conducive learning conditions, giving positive directions, and changing student behavior towards the environment. Supporting infrastructure, such as the availability of landfills and cleaning equipment in each class, also contributes to this success. However, the lack of a garbage pit remains an inhibiting factor, leading to the scattering of final waste in the school's backyard.


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Author Biographies

Nurul Khasana, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

graduated from the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program at Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia. She has a great interest in environmental care and her learning at school. During her studies, she actively participated in various activities related to the environment and disasters. She also actively follows the latest developments in the field of elementary school education. (email:

Dholina Inang Pambudi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is a lecturer at the Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. In addition to actively teaching, she is also active in writing national and international journals and proceedings, as well as doing community service. In addition, she also carries out community activities, especially on disaster mitigation and disaster resilient education that have made a positive contribution to the community. (email:

Nazori Masaei, Ban Juwo School, NGO 3

is a teacher at Ban Juwo School, NGO 3. He obtained his master's degree in Educational Administration (M.Ed.) from Taksin University, Thailand. His bachelor's degree was obtained from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand. With his expertise in Educational Administration, he brings valuable insights and knowledge to improve the school's administrative processes and ensure the smooth functioning of the institution. As a teacher, he is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment for his students. (email:


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How to Cite

Khasana, N., Pambudi, D. I., & Masaei, N. (2023). Implementing Effective Strategies to Foster Environmental Care Character among Students. International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education, 2(02), 86–94.
