Enhancing Learning Achievement through Effective Use of Teaching Aids in Islamic Education





Elementary School, Islamic Education, Learning Achievement, Teaching Aids


This study examined the impact of teaching aids on learning achievement in Islamic education. A questionnaire was used to collect data from fourth-grade students in Kupang, Indonesia. The questionnaire consisted of 20 items, and students rated their agreement on a 5-point Likert scale. Descriptive analysis showed that students' responses to teaching aids were categorized as moderate, with 42.1% falling into this category. The findings revealed a significant positive correlation between teaching aids and learning achievement. The coefficient of determination analysis indicated that teaching aids accounted for 88% of the variance in learning achievement. Furthermore, the t-test and simple linear regression analysis confirmed the significant influence of teaching aids on learning achievement. The study suggests that incorporating teaching aids and innovative learning strategies in Islamic education can enhance learning outcomes. Educators should use various teaching aids and media to create engaging learning environments. Policymakers should support effective teaching practices and provide necessary resources for integrating teaching aids in classrooms. These results offer valuable insights into the importance of teaching aids in improving learning achievement, not only in Islamic education but also in other subjects.


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Author Biographies

Aisyah Jasadijaya, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Kupang

was born on January 25, 2000, in Lamahala, Adonara, Nusa Tenggara Timur. She completed her Bachelor's degree in Islamic Education at STAI Kupang in 2022. Aisyah actively participated in the development and implementation of IPMAL (Ikatan Pelajar Mahasiswa Lamahala), an organization for students from Lamahala. (email: juniorab311@gmail.com).

Rahmad Bala, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Kupang

was born on October 21, 1986, on Tereweng Island in Alor. He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Education from Universitas PGRI, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) in 2015. He later pursued his Master's degree at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) in Yogyakarta, graduating in 2018. Currently, he serves as a lecturer at the School of Islamic Studies in Kupang. In addition, he is also recognized as one of the assessors for BAN-S/M (National Accreditation Board for Higher Education) in the province of NTT. (email: rahmadbala2110@gmail.com).

Hasanah Purnamasari, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Kupang

was born on June 5, 1993, in Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in Syariah Faculty, specializing in the comparison of madzhab and Islamic law, from Institut Studi Islam Darussalam (ISID) Gontor in 2015. In 2018, she completed her Master's degree in Aqeedah and Islamic Philosophy from Darussalam University. Hasanah is currently working as a lecturer at STAI Kupang and is the founder of ANSYATH BIMBEL, an educational support institution. (email: hasanahpurnama1768@gmail.com).


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How to Cite

Jasadijaya, A., Bala, R., & Purnamasari, H. (2023). Enhancing Learning Achievement through Effective Use of Teaching Aids in Islamic Education. International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education, 2(02), 104–113. https://doi.org/10.56741/ijlree.v2i02.322
