International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education <p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph;"><strong>International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education</strong><strong><span style="font-weight: normal;"> discusses and shares education theory, research, and their implications for teaching and learning reformation to deal with global issues. It prefers to publish original studies that cover facts and phenomena about school and classroom settings in elementary or middle schools. IJLREE presents articles that relate the latest research in child development, cognitive psychology, and sociology to school teaching and learning. The scope in multidisciplinary perspective includes but is not limited to: Subject Teaching, Science Education, Development of Reading, Nutrition and Home Economics, Multicultural, Differentiation, Educational Models and Programs, Language Teaching, Curriculum Development, Physical Education, Environmental Education, Bi-/Multilingual Teaching, Adopted Teaching, Teacher Training for Elementary Education, Teaching of Social Studies, Mathematics Education, Teaching of Performing Arts, Citizenship, Methodology and Strategy in Teaching, Special Education, Research into Elementary Education, Technology and Media for Learning, Indigenous and Local Wisdom, and Education Policies.</span></strong></p> The Indonesian Institute of Science and Technology Research en-US International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education 2961-9092