Exploring the Influence of Audiovisual Tools on Youth and their Social Adaptation in Elementary Education





Audio aids, Environmental factor, Learner, Social adjustment, Video aids


Technology has been a part of our lives for decades. We have become so used to it that it has become second nature to us, particularly when it comes to audiovisual aids. Audiovisual aids such as videos, movies and even video games have significantly impacted young people's lives and how they perceive the world around them. But what does this mean for their social adjustment? How are audiovisual aids impacting how today's youngsters interact with their peers, family members, and strangers? The study's objective has been discussed, and the hypothesis testifies to these objectives. The population of this research work is students admitted to different public schools, and samples were taken from different tehsils via proportionate random sampling techniques. Data collected by questionnaire and instrument checked by pilot testing, validity by various experts working in educational sectors and via Cronbach Alpha and other statistical analysis reliability process has been completed. After data analysis, some discussion & results on findings and conclusion and implication of this study. This study explored how audiovisual aids impact youngsters' social adjustment and how we use these tools to help foster healthier relationships.


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Author Biographies

Muzamil Hussain Al Hussaini, Qurtuba University

is Ph.D Scholar. He is  a student  at University  of  Science  and  Education, Pakistan. He is a scholar at Institute of Education and Research, Bhakkar, Pakistan. He is also a visiting researcher at Qurtuba University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. He has interest  in  education  management,  public  policy,  and primary  education  issues. (email: muzamilqurtuba@gmail.com).

Juana Maria Arcelus-Ulibarrena, Parthenope University of Naples

is an accomplished professor with a strong background in higher education and scientific research, particularly focused on the Middle Ages. Currently serving as a Già Titular Professor at the University of Naples "Parthenope" in Naples, Campania, Italy, she brings extensive knowledge and expertise to her field. She has made significant contributions to the areas of translation, ancient history, medieval literature, and editing. Her expertise in these subjects is showcased in her work, "En castellano traduzido." With a keen interest in the Basque Diaspora, she has also explored this topic as part of her academic pursuits. (email: arcelus@uniparthenope.it).


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How to Cite

Al Hussaini, M. H., & Arcelus-Ulibarrena, J. M. (2023). Exploring the Influence of Audiovisual Tools on Youth and their Social Adaptation in Elementary Education. International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education, 2(02), 95–103. https://doi.org/10.56741/ijlree.v2i02.352
