Social and Cultural Development: Promoting Awareness Towards Inclusive Education


  • Hazel Cres D. Rendon Western Philippines University
  • Jonabee M. Gutierrez Western Philippines University
  • Michelle E. Dangcalan Western Philippines University
  • Anna May G. Eriman Western Philippines University
  • Marife Z. Caabas Western Philippines University
  • Edna E. Villar Western Philippines University
  • Nhelbourne K. Mohammad Shaanxi Normal University



Awareness, Cultural, Inclusive Education, Social


This article aims to promote awareness of inclusive education. Education is every learner’s right, not a privilege. Inclusive education promotes equitable and quality education for everyone, all without being excluded, mainly for those with potential learning needs. It also enhances the awareness about the rights of every learner with a disability or difficulty accessing the same education services. It is shown that from the point of view of different educational researchers, a significant tool for promoting the awareness of inclusive education is the orientation from the school management or educational system on all of its subordinates discussing the scope of the curriculum and adequate dissemination of information regarding different strategies that are applicable in diverse learners. It is also revealed that the significance of inclusive education is a school that focuses on having an integrative, innovative, career-oriented, and harmonious teaching-learning process. It is shown that building relationships between the teachers and the learners is an essential psychological, social, mental, and emotional aspect of inclusive classes. Lastly, inclusive education significantly requires the involvement and support from the parents of learning disabilities children at all levels.


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Author Biographies

Hazel Cres D. Rendon, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a Science teacher in Junior High School at Roxas National Comprehensive High School. Currently, she is taking her Master's Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email:

Jonabee M. Gutierrez, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) teacher in Junior High School at Roxas National Comprehensive  High School. Currently, she is taking her Master's Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email:  

Michelle E. Dangcalan, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) teacher in Junior High School at Pasadeña National High School. Currently, she is taking her Master's Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email:

Anna May G. Eriman, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) teacher in Junior High School at Roxas National Comprehensive High School. Currently, she is taking her Master’s Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email:

Marife Z. Caabas, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) teacher in Junior High School at Roxas National Comprehensive High School. Currently, she is taking her Master’s Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email: 

Edna E. Villar, Western Philippines University

is a licensed professional teacher. She is a TLE (Technology and Livelihood Education) teacher in Junior High School at Roxas National Comprehensive High School. Currently, she is taking her Master’s Degree in Educational Management at Western Philippines University. (email:

Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, Shaanxi Normal University

is an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Education at Western Philippines University. He went as a resource speaker to different Universities in Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, China, and Singapore, including the University of the Philippines. He has completed two doctoral degrees: a Doctor of Islamic Education at Muhammadiyah University Malang in Indonesia, a Ph.D. in Comparative Education at Shaanxi Normal University in China, and an ongoing Ph.D. in Social Science at Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia. He published several papers, including WOS and Scopus indexes. (email:


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How to Cite

Rendon, H. C. D., Gutierrez, J. M., Dangcalan, M. E., Eriman, A. M. G., Caabas, M. Z., Villar, E. E., & Mohammad, N. K. (2023). Social and Cultural Development: Promoting Awareness Towards Inclusive Education . International Journal of Learning Reformation in Elementary Education, 2(03), 151–158.
