Newspaper Leg Exercise to Reduce the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Physical Symptoms


  • Destu Satya Widyaningsih Manggala Health Analyst Academi
  • Albherta Tri Prasetyowati Manggala Health Analyst Academi
  • Ahmad Harwanto Ikatan Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (IPeKB) Gunungkidul
  • Sheetal Goenka Govind Ballabh (G.B.) Pant Hospital



Newspaper Leg Gymnastics, Physical Symptoms, Diabetes Mellitus, Elderly


This study aimed to determine the differences in paper leg exercise to reduce the symptoms of Type 2 DM in Elderly Family Guidance Center in Indonesia. This study used a pre-experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Inclusion criteria were the elderly who were more than 45 years old. All respondens are notready diagnosed with diabetes. The research subjects became one group and then data collection and measurements were carried out before and after being given newspaper gymnastics treatment. This is intended to be able to find out the differences experienced by the subject before and after being given treatment. Data analysis using Wilcoxon. The mean value for the pretest is 1.65 and for the posttest is 0.01. The mean between the two shows results that have different differences.. The results of Wilcoxon's analysis showed a significance differences. Its means that paper leg exercise can provide a significant difference in reducing physical symptoms of Type 2 DM. There were differences between the pretest and posttest. This shows that exercise can significantly reduce the physical symptoms of diabetes millitus in the elderly.


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Author Biographies

Destu Satya Widyaningsih, Manggala Health Analyst Academi

Destu Satya Widyaningsih is a lecturer of Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program, Manggala Health Analyst Academy Yogyakarta. Her scientific field is Public Health Sciences. Her current position is the Head of the Research and Community Service Unit at her campus. She is actively to publish in national journals and participating in seminars. (email:

Albherta Tri Prasetyowati, Manggala Health Analyst Academi

Albherta Tri Prasetyowati is a lecturer of Medical Laboratory Technology Study Program, Manggala Health Analyst Academy Yogyakarta. Currently as Deputy Director for Non-Academic Affairs and active in the Indonesian Pharmacists Association, drug consultation assistance for the elderly. He is the founder of Klinik Panti Usada. (email:

Ahmad Harwanto, Ikatan Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (IPeKB) Gunungkidul

Ahmad Harwanto is an Associate Family Planning Extension Officer. His position is as General Secretary of the Family Planning Extension Association of Gunungkidul Regency. He is actively fostering the BKL Manunggal Asih Planjan Saptosari Elderly School in 2020-2022. (email:

Sheetal Goenka, Govind Ballabh (G.B.) Pant Hospital

Dr. Sheetal Goenka is a Senior Resident at Govind Ballabh (G. B.) Pant Hospital, India. She is active ini many health and medical forum. (email:


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How to Cite

Widyaningsih, D. S., Prasetyowati, A. T., Harwanto, A., & Goenka, S. (2022). Newspaper Leg Exercise to Reduce the Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Physical Symptoms. Journal of Health Sciences and Medical Development, 1(02), 83–91.
