Editorial Policies

Aim and Scope

Journal of Health Sciences and Medical Development is an international peer-reviewed journal publishing original and high-quality papers in all aspects of the science and practice of public health. As an academic exchange media, scientists and researchers can know the up-to-date trends and seek valuable sources. The subject areas include, but are not limited to the following fields: Biochemistry, Cell biology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Health informatics, Health promotions, Healthcare communications, Patient safety, Psychology, Healthcare materials, Healthcare policies, Medical-diagnosis,  Nutrition, and Epidemiology.

Peer Review Process

Every submitted paper will be initially reviewed by a Section Editor to determine whether it is suitable for HESMED's focus and scope or has a major methodological flaw and similarity score by using iThenticate. If the manuscript meets these requirements, then the manuscript will be reviewed by a minimum of two to three independent reviewers, and the review process uses a Single/Double-Blind Peer Review (per authors' request and/or Editor's decision).

Reviewing process will consider novelty, objectivity, method, scientific impact, conclusion, and references. The suggested decision will be evaluated in an editorial board meeting. Afterward, the editor will send a decision to the corresponding author.

Review Outcomes
Utilizing feedback from the peer review process, the Editor will make a final publication decision. The review process will take approximately 2 to 12 weeks. Decisions categories include:

  1. Decline Submission - The manuscripts will not be published, and authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version of the manuscript to HESMED.
  2. Resubmit for Review - The submission needs to be reworked, but it may be accepted with significant changes. However, it will require a second round of review.
  3. Revisions Required - Manuscripts will likely be published in HESMED under the condition that satisfactory minor/major modifications are made. An editor will review revisions to ensure necessary updates are made before publication.
  4. Accept Submission - Accepted manuscripts will be published in the current form, with no further modifications required.

Editing Stages

The accepted manuscript will be continued with copyediting, layout editing, and proofreading before it is published.

Plagiarism Policy

It is necessary for every author to follow the ethical principles provided in the journal's guidelines, specifically to steer clear of submitting the same work multiple times, copying someone else's work, and reusing their own previous work. The manuscript will be reviewed for signs of plagiarism, and if detected, the submission will be denied, and no further submissions will be permitted. The iThenticate plagiarism detection software will be used to scan all articles submitted to the journal. A particular procedure will be carried out to handle any instance of plagiarism.

Publication Frequency

This journal has three regular issues per year. Each issue is published in April, August, and December.

Open Access Policy

Open access is a publishing model for scholarly communication which enables the dissemination of research articles to the global community without any cost or any form of restriction. It is the practice of providing unrestricted access to peer-reviewed academic journal articles via the internet and is increasingly being provided to scholarly monographs and book chapters. All original research papers published by IISTR are available freely and permanently accessible online immediately after publication. Readers are free to copy and distribute the contributions under the CC attribution license. Authors can benefit from the open-access publication model a lot from the following aspects:

  • High Availability and High Visibility----Free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the internet without any restrictions.
  • Rigorous Peer Review of Research Papers----Fast, high-quality single/double-blind peer review.
  • Faster Publication with Less Cost----Papers published on the internet without any subscription charge.
  • Higher Citation----Open access publications are more frequently cited.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us via email at editor@journal.iistr.org


This journal utilizes the PKP PRESERVATION NETWORK (PKP PN) system using the LOCKSS program to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and allows those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. In addition, all of the articles published in this journal will also be preserved in Indonesian National Repository Garuda - Garba Rujukan Digital.