Formulation and Evaluation of Sappan Wood Extract Transparent Solid Soap with Variations in the Concentration of Glycerin as a Humectant




Sappan wood, Caesalpinia sappan, Glycerin, Transparent soap, Olive oil


Soap is a product that can be used to clean hands from bacteria and dirt. One of the natural ingredients that can be formulated into soap is sappan wood. Sappan wood contains 5 compounds belonging to flavonoids, including brazilin, brazilein, 3'-O-methyl brazilin, sappanin, chalcone, and sappanchalcone which have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This study aims to formulate sappan wood extract into a transparent solid soap preparation with an olive oil base using variations in glycerin concentration, namely F1 (10%), F2 (15%), and F3 (20%) transparent soap preparations. The type of research conducted is experimental research. Evaluation of transparent soap preparations consisted of organoleptic testing, pH, moisture content, foam stability, wetting power, and hardness of the preparation. The results of the study showed that the transparent soap met the requirements for the organoleptic test, pH test, water content test, wetting power test, and hardness test. In the results of the stability test, F3 foam has a longer foam stability compared to F1 and F2.


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Author Biographies

Yusuf Supriadi

Yusuf Supriadi is a lecturer in Pharmacy Bumi Siliwangi Academy. Bachelor and master programs are obtained from the Bandung Institute of Technology. He has interest for research on the use of natural ingredients for health in various forms. He has also published his research results in various national and international journals. (email:

Bekti Dwi Cahyani, Akademi Farmasi Bumi Siliwangi

Bekti Dwi Cahyani is a student in Pharmacy Bumi Siliwangi Academy. Her research interest is in pharmacy technology on the use of natural ingredients product for health in various forms (email:


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How to Cite

Supriadi, Y., & Cahyani, B. D. (2022). Formulation and Evaluation of Sappan Wood Extract Transparent Solid Soap with Variations in the Concentration of Glycerin as a Humectant. Journal of Health Sciences and Medical Development, 1(02), 58–67.
