Introducing Children to Allah: Developing Religious Spirit in Elementary School Through Teaching Tawheed at Home




Elementary School, Learning from Home, Religious Spirit, Tawheed


This article discusses how to introduce children to Allah and how to develop their religious spirit during their childhood, specifically during their time in primary school. The author emphasizes the importance of educating children about Allah and building their faith early on. This research is a literature review study on teaching children about tawheed (oneness of God) within the family setting. The method used in this research is content analysis. The analysis is conducted on several aspects: the command to educate children about tawheed, the primary role of parents in education, and the method of teaching tawheed to children. Parents should explain to their children that everything in the universe exists because Allah created it and provide simple analogies to help children understand the concept. Additionally, parents should strive to develop their children's religious spirit by creating an Islamic atmosphere in the household, teaching them good speech, taking them to the mosque, and using school holidays to participate in religious activities. The author highlights that these efforts should be ongoing and consistent throughout the child's upbringing.


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Author Biographies

Noven Kusainun, STAI Darul Huda

is a lecturer at STAI Darul Huda, South Sumatra, Indonesia. Her undergraduate education was obtained from Ahmad Dahlan University. Her master's degree was obtained from Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University. She has written several books related to Islamic education in various perspectives. She has research interests in education, family, and technology. (email:

Suhairee Berngacha, Yala Rajabhat University

is an lecturer in the Department of Educational Administration. Currently he is working at the Faculty of  Education, Yala Rajabhat University, Yala, Thailands. His doctorate degree is from Thaksin University,  Thailand. (email:


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How to Cite

Kusainun, N., & Berngacha, S. (2023). Introducing Children to Allah: Developing Religious Spirit in Elementary School Through Teaching Tawheed at Home. Jurnal Praktik Baik Pembelajaran Sekolah Dan Pesantren, 2(02), 52–61.
