Socioeconomic Characteristics of Seaweed Cultivation Business in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia




Coastal, Economy, Poverty, Resilience


The seaweed cultivation business in the fisheries sector remains the livelihood of coastal communities; thus, it must be designed based on welfare improvement, business sustainability, and regional development. The various efforts must begin with studies on the characteristics of the farmers and seaweed businesses. Therefore, this study analyzes the characteristics of seaweed cultivation businesses from socioeconomic aspects. The research was conducted in two regencies in Southeast Sulawesi Province: South Konawe Regency and Bombana Regency, as the research location's main parameters. This study employed quantitative descriptive analysis. The data was obtained through field surveys on seaweed farmers and seaweed trading business actors. This research emphasizes social aspects, including age, education, business experience, and family dependents, while the economic aspects focus on capital and marketing. The results revealed that the seaweed farmers in Southeast Sulawesi Province are mainly those of working age with relatively fewer family dependents and excellent experience but a low level of formal education. This phenomenon makes several parties, including the authorities and universities, obliged to take action to improve farmers’ quality and skills to be more agile and innovative. Moreover, Most seaweed farmers obtained capital from traders; consequently, they had to sell their harvest to traders below the market price. Therefore, developing a partnership system supporting and protecting groups of farmers, traders/cooperatives, and the seaweed agroindustry with additional capital and technological support from the government and universities is recommended.


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Author Biographies

Ahmad Muhlis Nuryadi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

is a dedicated lecturer in the Department of Agriculture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari. Specializing in Fisheries Agribusiness, he has made significant contributions to both national and international journals, sharing his extensive research and insights within the field. His work focuses on the sustainable development and management of fisheries, aiming to enhance the economic viability and environmental sustainability of the industry. His expertise and commitment to advancing agricultural education and research make him a valuable asset to the academic community. (email:

Abdul Aziz Muthalib, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

is a lecturer in the Department of Economics and Business at Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari. Specializing in Economics and Development Studies, he has made significant contributions to various national and international journals. His research focuses on economic development, policy analysis, and sustainable growth, reflecting his commitment to advancing the field of economics. Abdul Aziz's expertise and scholarly work make him an invaluable member of the academic community. (email:  

Hartati, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

is a lecturer in the Department of Agriculture at Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari. Specializing in Agribusiness, she has made notable contributions to various national and international journals. Her research and academic work focus on improving agribusiness practices, promoting sustainable agricultural development, and enhancing economic outcomes for agricultural communities. Her expertise and dedication to her field make her a valuable asset to the university and the wider academic community. (email:


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How to Cite

Nuryadi, A. M., Muthalib, A. A., & Hartati. (2024). Socioeconomic Characteristics of Seaweed Cultivation Business in Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Journal of Management Studies and Development, 3(02), 135–145.
