Dynamic Analysis of Environmental Degradation and Economic Activities in the Asia-Pacific Region





CO2 Emissions, Difference GMM, Energy Consumption, GDP, Renewable Energy


Economic growth is crucial for assessing a country's economic success, measured by its per capita income increase over time, primarily through Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This study investigates the impact of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (GFCF), energy consumption, CO2 emissions, and renewable energy on economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region from 2016 to 2021. Using the Difference Generalized Method of Moments (Difference GMM) and Stata 14, the findings show that GFCF positively influences economic growth in developing countries but not significantly in developed ones. Energy consumption positively affects economic growth in developing countries, but not in developed ones. CO2 emissions have no significant impact on economic growth. Renewable energy negatively affects economic growth in developing countries, while its impact is insignificant in developed ones.


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Author Biographies

Yova Tri Lestari, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is an alumna of the Development Economics program at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. She has a keen interest in the study of international economics, particularly focusing on the dynamics of global economic interactions, trade policies, international finance, and economic development across nations. (email: yovalestari73@gmail.com).

Mahrus Lutfi Adi Kurniawan, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is associated with the Economics Department at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. His academic pursuits focus on macroeconomics and monetary economics. He has made notable contributions to several publications. He completed his Master's degree in Economics and Development Studies at Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. (email: mahrus.kurniawan@ep.uad.ac.id).

Zafar Khan, Abasyn University

is a scholar at Abasyn University Peshawar. He is an  Assistant Director Human Resources, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Food Safety and Halal Food Authority. His core skills include but not limited to human resource management and talent onboarding, conducting interviews, payroll section handling, ERP management, HR information system handling. (email: adzafarkhan@outlook.com).


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How to Cite

Lestari, Y. T., Kurniawan, M. L. A., & Khan, Z. (2024). Dynamic Analysis of Environmental Degradation and Economic Activities in the Asia-Pacific Region. Journal of Management Studies and Development, 3(02), 69–80. https://doi.org/10.56741/jmsd.v3i02.503
