Environmental-Based Public Service Innovation, QRIS and VA in Bandung





Innovation, Tax, QRIS, COVID-19


In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is uncertain when it will end. This certainly affects the realization of tax revenues in 2020. This unstable economic condition affects many aspects. The company's turnover has decreased, people's income has decreased, job opportunities have decreased, the education level of the community is difficult to reach due to the absence of education costs. This pandemic that has hit Indonesia has an impact on the policy ecosystem that has been running previously, one of which is the policy in paying taxes. This is related to the economic situation that is also affected by the pandemic. The Bandung City Regional Revenue Management Agency sees this phenomenon. BAPENDA Bandung City innovates how to make people pay taxes from waste. In the end, BAPENDA collaborated with Bank Waste, Bank Mandiri, and Bank BJB to initiate the innovation. Through this collaboration, Bank Mandiri will act as a waste manager, and Bank BJB will play a role in financial management.


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Author Biographies

Setiadin, Muhammadiyah University of Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia

Setiadin, S.Pd., S.Sos., M.AP was born in Bandung, February 6, 1976. His master degree was from Padjadjaran University in 2014. Currently he is pursuing a doctoral program at Pasundan University. He is a lecturer at the Public Administration Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Bandung. He has research interests in public policy and public governance. (email: doktor.dinsetiadin@umbandung.ac.id).

Imas Sumiati, Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia

Dr. Imas Sumiati, M.Si obtained his doctorate in public administration from Padjadjaran University in 2015. He is currently the coordinator of competency assessors at LPS 1 Pasundan University and also Director of HC RnD at APPRODI. The current affiliation is the Public Administration study program, Pasundan University. He has written many books, has been a resource person at various conferences and is also an instructor of competency guidance for the House of Representatives. (email: imas.sumiati@unpas.ac.id).


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How to Cite

Setiadin, & Imas Sumiati. (2022). Environmental-Based Public Service Innovation, QRIS and VA in Bandung . Journal of Management Studies and Development, 1(01), 15–23. https://doi.org/10.56741/jmsd.v1i01.28
