E-Commerce, Customer Relationship Management and Artificial Intelligent amid COVID-19


  • Ifta Firdausa Nuzula Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret
  • Mohammad Allatas Muryanto Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret
  • Vo Hung Cuong Vietnam Korea University of Information and Communication Technology




E-Commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Artificial Intelligent, COVID-19


Coronavirus is intensely changing various aspects of life, including in business. The pandemic has altered a variety of customer behaviours. The ability of companies to understand these behaviour changes affects business continuity. This study explains the relationship between customer relationship management (CRM) and e-commerce and its trends during the pandemic. This research is descriptive qualitative research using secondary data. This study found that CRM and e-commerce issues grew rapidly during the pandemic. These results show that customer awareness of e-commerce is increasing to make transactions of their needs. Simultaneously, this customer behaviour is anticipated by business people by improving CRM as an effort to manage customer satisfaction. Some results in different countries are not always the same response between CRM and e-commerce.


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Author Biographies

Ifta Firdausa Nuzula, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret

Ifta Firdausa Nuzula is a young researcher. She has published several articles in reputable international journals. Ifta is a member of the Indonesian Institute of Science and Technology as an editor in Jurnal Genesis Indonesia. She got scholarship for her study from Ministry of Education and Culture for undergraduate school and BARISTA Program from National Research and Innovation agency of Indonesia for graduate research. (email: iftafirdausan@student.uns.ac.id).

Mohammad Allatas Muryanto, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret

Mohammad Allatas Muryanto is a graduate student in Management of Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Indonesia. His undergraduate degree is in Sharia Economics from Brawijaya University, Indonesia. (email: allatas.muryanto@gmail.com).

Vo Hung Cuong, Vietnam Korea University of Information and Communication Technology

Vo Hung Cuong is a Lecturer of Vietnam Korea University of Information and Communication Technology - The University of Danang. He has various publications that have appeared in reputable international journals. He is an researcher and he enjoy using his skills to contribute to the exciting technological advances that happen every day at his university. His research subject is information system management, E-business, AI. (email: vhcuong@vku.udn.vn).


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How to Cite

Nuzula, I. F., Muryanto, M. A., & Cuong, V. H. (2022). E-Commerce, Customer Relationship Management and Artificial Intelligent amid COVID-19 . Journal of Management Studies and Development, 1(02), 68–78. https://doi.org/10.56741/jmsd.v1i02.101
