EFL Higher Students’ Experiences in Apps-based Learning for Virtual Presentation





App-Based Learning , COVID-19, Experiences, Virtual Presentation


As the Indonesian government and most countries forbade traditional face-to-face teaching and learning in the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual teaching and learning through some apps have increased significantly, and one among them is Zoom. This qualitative research with a case study approach aims to explore EFL higher students’ experiences in App-based learning specifically for virtual presentation. Six students participated in this research, and the researchers got through purposive sampling. The open-ended interview was the primary data collection used in this research to give a clear picture and deep understanding of EFL higher students' experience through App-based learning for virtual presentation. All the interview data were recorded, transcribed, analyzed, and divided into some themes. Further, member checking was done by the researchers to develop the high trustworthiness of the research. This research revealed at least two themes: advantages (free from space-time and increasing speaking ability) and disadvantages (costly and lousy connection). Further, suggestions and recommendations were offered to all related parties.


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Author Biographies

Zidni Ma'ruf, State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya

is a lecturer in the English Department at the State Polytechnic of Sriwijaya, Palembang, South Sumatra. He completed his undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, majoring in English Education at Jambi University. Upon graduating, he was chosen to participate in Australia – Indonesia Youth Exchange Program organized by The Indonesian Ministry of Youth and Sport. Subsequently, he pursued his postgraduate studies in the Master Program of English Language Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Starting in early 2022, he began working as a lecturer. His research interests encompass English Teaching and Learning, 21st Century teaching and learning, Educational Technology, and Educational Management and Linguistics. (email: zidnimaruf@gmail.com).

Muhamad Nazarudin Asyidiq, Cipasung University

is a lecturer in English Department, Cipasung University, Tasikmalaya, West Java. He completed his undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, majoring in English Education at Galuh University. After that, he pursued his postgraduate studies in the Master Program of English Language Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. All this time, his research interests embraced English Teaching and Learning, Educational Technology, Educational Management, and Linguistics. (email: mnazarudin1710@gmail.com).

Nenden Sri Fujiya, Cipasung University

is a lecturer in English Department, Cipasung University, Tasikmalaya, West Java. She completed his undergraduate studies in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, majoring in English Education, at Galuh University. After that, she continued his postgraduate studies in the Master Program of English Language Education at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. All this time, his research interests embraced English Teaching and Learning, Educational Technology, Educational Management, and Linguistics. (email: nendensrifujiya@gmail.com).


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How to Cite

Ma’ruf, Z., Muhamad Nazarudin Asyidiq, & Fujiya, N. S. (2024). EFL Higher Students’ Experiences in Apps-based Learning for Virtual Presentation. Jurnal Praktik Baik Pembelajaran Sekolah Dan Pesantren, 3(01), 8–18. https://doi.org/10.56741/pbpsp.v3i01.483
