
Question Making Training with LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS Cognitive Levels for High School Teachers




Cognitive Level, Learning Methods, Mathematics Education, Teacher Engagement, Thinking Skills


The current focus among educators is on assessments that promote higher-order thinking skills, enabling students to develop critical, analytical, and systematic thinking, especially in problem-solving, communication, and collaboration. Nonetheless, some teachers still struggle to create questions that effectively target these skills. This service initiative aims to educate 18 instructors from Muhammadiyah Mlati High School on crafting questions that address advanced cognitive abilities. Using a variety of methods, including lectures, interactive Q&A sessions, group discussions, and presentations, the results indicate that the training participants have successfully grasped the basic principles of designing questions for Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) in education. After participating in four sessions, they have shown competence in categorizing and structuring questions that span Lower Order Thinking Skills (LOTS), Medium Order Thinking Skills (MOTS), and Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS).

Author Biographies

Siti Atwano Pisriwati, Muhammadiyah Mlati Senior High School

is an economics teacher at Muhammadiyah Mlati High School. Apart from his role as a teacher, he also serves as deputy principal for student affairs. In this capacity, he is dedicated to fostering a creative and innovative learning environment. He consistently strives to implement new and engaging teaching methods to enhance the educational experience for his students. Commitment to student affairs and passion for innovative learning reflects her dedication to the overall development and success of her students. (email:

Deny Hadi Siswanto, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is a mathematics teacher at Muhammadiyah Mlati High School. In his role as a teacher, he is committed to developing creative and effective teaching methods to increase student engagement and understanding. He constantly monitors each student's learning progress, ensuring they receive the guidance necessary to succeed in their studies. (email:

Yuwono Hardi, Muhammadiyah Mlati Senior High School

is a physics teacher at Muhammadiyah Mlati High School. As an educator, he is particularly interested in research and studies that focus on creating a comfortable and conducive learning environment for students. His dedication to understanding the factors that contribute to effective learning demonstrates his commitment to enhancing the educational experience and well-being of his students. (email:

Eka Kevin Alghiffari, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is a student of the Mathematics Education Masters Program at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta. Since starting his studies, he has shown a great research interest, especially in the context of mathematics learning. In addition, he is actively involved in various student activities that support his personal growth and contribute to society. (email:


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How to Cite

Pisriwati, S. A., Siswanto, D. H., Hardi, Y., & Alghiffari, E. K. (2024). Question Making Training with LOTS, MOTS, and HOTS Cognitive Levels for High School Teachers. Journal of Social and Community Development, 1(1), 9–18.
