Transformative Education Related to Ethno-Religion, Digital Technology, and Global Awareness




Digital Technology, Ethno-Religion, Global Awareness, Transformative Education


In our rapidly evolving world, transformative education emerges as a critical necessity, particularly concerning ethno-religion, digital technology, and global awareness. This study delves into the intersectionality of these factors and their influence on education, aiming to equip individuals to navigate and thrive in an increasingly diverse and interconnected global society. Through a literature review, we explore the multifaceted dimensions of transformative education, emphasizing its relevance to ethno-religion, digital technology, and global awareness. The integration of digital technology in transformative education has revolutionized learning experiences, offering innovative tools for collaboration, research, and communication. However, it is imperative to ensure equitable access and address challenges related to digital literacy and cyber ethics. Global awareness in transformative education extends beyond exposure to different cultures, aiming to cultivate empathy, solidarity, and critical analysis of global issues. By engaging with real-world challenges and diverse perspectives, students can develop into informed and engaged global citizens. Employing a narrative-style research design, this study integrates subjective opinions, literature support, thematic analysis, and insights from the educational field to provide a comprehensive understanding of transformative education's potential to shape empathetic, critically aware individuals prepared to address complex global challenges. Through exploration of pedagogical strategies, case studies, and best practices, the study aims to contribute to inclusive and equitable educational environments conducive to transformative learning.


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Author Biographies

Isaac John Ibanga, Modibbo Adama University

is an erudite scholar, dedicated researcher, and esteemed lecturer within the Sandwich Degree Programme of the Faculty of Education at Modibbo Adama University, located in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. With a specialized focus on electrical technology education, Dr. Ibanga has made significant contributions to the field through both his teaching and research efforts. He holds advanced degrees in electrical technology and education, which have equipped him with a unique blend of practical skills and theoretical knowledge. His academic journey and professional experiences have been marked by a commitment to advancing educational methodologies and improving technological applications in education. (email:   

Immaculater Akudo Onwuka, University of Uyo

is a dedicated and driven PhD student at the University of Uyo in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. With a strong academic background and a passion for research, she is making significant strides in her field of study. Her commitment to academic excellence is evident in her meticulous approach to her research and her active participation in academic conferences and seminars. She is known for her inquisitive mind and her ability to engage deeply with complex topics, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in her chosen discipline. As she progresses in her doctoral studies, she continues to inspire her peers and contribute to the academic community at the University of Uyo. (email:

Zakariyau Garba, Shehu Shagari College of Education

is a dedicated lecturer at Shehu Shagari College of Education, located in Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria. With a specialization in Electrical Technology Education, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his students. Garba is committed to advancing the field of electrical technology through both his teaching and his research. His passion for education and technology equips future educators and technicians with the necessary skills to excel in an ever-evolving industry. Garba’s contributions to the academic community and his dedication to student success make him a respected figure in his field. (email:


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How to Cite

Ibanga, I. J., Onwuka, I. A., & Garba, Z. (2024). Transformative Education Related to Ethno-Religion, Digital Technology, and Global Awareness. Buletin Edukasi Indonesia, 3(02), 54–61.
Received 2024-04-05
Accepted 2024-05-23
Published 2024-05-24
