Integrating Science Learning in Indonesian Curriculum

A Case Study at a Junior High School



2013 Curriculum, Junior High School, Muhammadiyah, Science learning


The 2013 Curriculum in Indonesia aimed to prepare individuals and citizens who were faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and practical, as well as actively contributing to society, region, state, and world civilization. Also, the change in the curriculum aimed to increase the students’ curiosity and active participation. This study focused on adopting and implementing the 2013 Curriculum for integrative science learning in secondary school at Muhammadiyah-1 Malang Junior High School in Malang City, Indonesia. Regarding teachers’ roles, the 2013 Curriculum was designed to improve teacher professionalism. However, existing literature did not show whether the teachers, learners, and schools were ready to adopt such a curriculum. Based on the analysis of the data obtained from the interviews, observations, and documentation from Muhammadiyah Secondary School, we found that the school could be ready to implement the 2013 Curriculum.


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Author Biographies

Nhelbourne K. Mohammad, Shaanxi Normal University

is an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Education at Western Philippines University. He went as a resource speaker to different Universities in Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, China, and Singapore, including the University of the Philippines. He has completed two doctoral degrees: a Doctor of Islamic Education at Muhammadiyah University Malang in Indonesia, a Ph.D. in Comparative Education at Shaanxi Normal University in China, and an ongoing Ph.D. in Social Science at Universiti Muhammadiyah Malaysia. He published several papers, including WOS and Scopus indexes. (email:

Ariyanti Dianita, Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare

is a dedicated educator serving as a lecturer at the Universitas Muhammadiyah Parepare, located in Indonesia. She is affiliated with the Faculty of Education and holds a Master's in Educational Development and Policy from Muhammadiyah University Malang, Indonesia. Ariyanti has actively participated in various national and international conferences focused on academic writing and publication, demonstrating her commitment to staying informed about the latest developments in her field. Her contribution to scholarly discourse is evident through her published papers, which reflect her deep engagement with educational research and development. (email:

Akrim, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

is an esteemed faculty member at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, specializing in Pendidikan Agama Islam. With significant expertise and experience, he holds the position of Lektor/III D, signifying his academic stature within the institution and having completed his undergraduate and master's degrees from Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara and Universitas Negeri Medan, respectively. He has demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and academic excellence. His dedication to his role as a permanent lecturer underscores his commitment to the institution's educational mission and cultivating a vibrant intellectual environment.Akrim is a regular professor at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Indonesia, Faculty of Islamic Education. He published several papers, including WOS and Scopus indexes. (email:


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How to Cite

Mohammad, N. K., Dianita, A., & Akrim. (2023). Integrating Science Learning in Indonesian Curriculum: A Case Study at a Junior High School. Journal of Pedagogy and Education Science, 3(01), 13–29.
