Parental Guidance, Teacher Performance and Learning Achievement


  • Muhammad Shofi Al Amin MTs Syirkah Salafiyah, Jember, Indonesia
  • Muh. Amiruddin Salem Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Rahmad Bala Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam, Kupang, Indonesia


Motivation, Achievement, Parental Guidance, School Performance


Guidance is one factor that can support the smooth learning of a child. Another factor that is also important in a child's learning process is the teacher's performance. If it can be done well, the level of student achievement will also be good. This study aims to analyze the influence of parental and teacher performance on student achievement, either partially or jointly. This type of research is ex post facto analysis, which is done to find out what had happened and then pulled back through the data to determine the factors that precede or the causes of the incident. This study uses a quantitative approach that is research that requires the respondent to be made objects on the questionnaire, and the results will be analyzed using statistics—analysis of data using multiple regression analysis. The study's results generally showed that parental and teacher performance significantly influences student achievement. In particular, the results of the research show that the guidance of parents does not have a significant effect on student achievement. In contrast, teacher performance has a significant impact on student achievement. With these results, it can be argued that collectively, parental and teacher performance substantially affects student achievement.


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Author Biographies

Muhammad Shofi Al Amin, MTs Syirkah Salafiyah, Jember, Indonesia

Muhammad Shofi Al Amin born in Jember, December 08, 1989. He earned a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.) at UIN Maliki Malang in 2013. Then a Master's degree (M.Pd.) at Kanjuruhan University Malang in 2015. Currently working as a Madrasah Principal at MTs Syirkah Salafiyah, Jember. The author can be contacted at the email address:

Muh. Amiruddin Salem, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam, Kupang, Indonesia

Muh. Amiruddin Salem born in Leuwohung, Lembata, 09 October 1989. He earned a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd.) at UIN Maliki Malang in 2013. Then a Master's degree (M.Pd.) at Kanjuruhan University Malang in 2015. Currently working as a Lecturer at the Kupang Islamic High School. In addition, as a tutor at the Open University. The author can be contacted at the email

Rahmad Bala, Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam, Kupang, Indonesia

Rahmad Bala born on Tereweng Island-Alor on October 21, 1986. He earned a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) at FKIP PGRI NTT University in 2015. Then a Master's degree (M.Pd) at Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta in 2018. Currently This student serves on the STAI Kupang campus. In addition, he is also one of the assessors at BAN-S/M Prov. NTT. The author can be contacted at the email


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How to Cite

Muhammad Shofi Al Amin, Muh. Amiruddin Salem, & Rahmad Bala. (2022). Parental Guidance, Teacher Performance and Learning Achievement. Journal of Pedagogy and Education Science, 1(01), 39–46.
