A Proposed Quality Improvement of Delivery Services at PT Pos Indonesia Using Importance-Performance Analysis and Kano Model




IPA, IPA-Kano Integration, Kano Model, Pos Indonesia, Service Quality


PT Pos Indonesia, a courier service company, contends with a notably low market share, as indicated by Top Brand data reflecting market proportions over the past five years in Indonesia. This decline in market share is predominantly attributed to subpar service quality. Hence, there is a pressing need to scrutinize PT Pos Indonesia to enhance its service standards for consumers and discern the service attributes requiring maintenance and prioritized improvement. This study employs the IPA (Importance Performance Analysis) and Kano method, both of which complement each other synergistically. IPA seeks to unearth insights into service factors influencing customer satisfaction and loyalty, while the Kano model categorizes service attributes based on their capacity to meet customer needs effectively. Additionally, the Kano model identifies areas warranting attention or enhancement, which can augment customer satisfaction. The analysis reveals four attributes classified as defenseless strategy points and one attribute deemed a chronic issue through the amalgamation of IPA and Kano model findings, thereby informing decisions to enhance performance.


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Author Biographies

Roland Y. H. Silitonga, Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa

His undergraduate degree is in Mechanical Engineering (1993); his master's degree (1999) and doctorate (2016) are in Industrial Engineering and Management from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. His research focus is in Inventory Systems, Innovation Management, and Industrial Value Chain Analysis. (Email: roland@ithb.ac.id).  

Phila Delphia Tindaon, Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa

was born in Medan on February 12, 2000. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Supply Chain Management from Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa (ITHB), Bandung, Indonesia, in 2021. Her research focus is on Customer Satisfaction. (email: philadelphiatindaon@gmail.com).

Ellen Indriati, STIE Harapan Bangsa

is a lecturer at Harapan Bangsa Business School, Bandung, Indonesia. She holds a bachelor's degree in accounting Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung, a master's degree in business management Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung. Research focus: inventory, accounting management, general management, and business management. (email: ellenindriati@ithb.ac.id).

Inge Martina, Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa

is a lecturer at Institut Teknologi Harapan Bangsa in Bandung, Indonesia. She earned her undergraduate degree in Informatics in 1990 and her master's degree in Information Systems in 2004, both from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Her research interests lie in Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems. (email: inge@ithb.ac.id).


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How to Cite

Silitonga, R. Y. H., Tindaon, P. D., Indriati, E., & Martina, I. (2024). A Proposed Quality Improvement of Delivery Services at PT Pos Indonesia Using Importance-Performance Analysis and Kano Model. Engineering Science Letter, 3(02), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.56741/esl.v3i02.534
