Human and Technology in the 21st Century

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Isaac John Ibanga


The 21st century witnesses an unprecedented surge in technological breakthroughs, profoundly reshaping human engagement with the world. Technology, from smartphones to artificial intelligence, permeates daily life, altering interactions and perceptions. This paper examines the multifaceted relationship between humanity and technology, exploring its implications, opportunities, and challenges. Technology enhances efficiency, communication, and access to information, catalyzing productivity and global connectivity. Key technological trends, including AI, IoT, blockchain, and renewable energy, reshape industries and societal dynamics. While technology offers benefits, it also poses challenges such as job displacement, privacy breaches, and health issues. To navigate the future, a balanced approach is essential, with initiatives promoting digital literacy and equitable access. Government regulations must safeguard privacy rights and foster ethical technology development. By embracing a human-centered approach, we can harness technology's promise while mitigating risks, steering toward an inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future.


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How to Cite
Ibanga, I. J. (2024). Human and Technology in the 21st Century. Bincang Sains Dan Teknologi, 3(02), 40–43.
Author Biography

Isaac John Ibanga, Modibbo Adama University of Technology

is an erudite scholar, dedicated researcher, and esteemed lecturer within the Sandwich Degree Programme of the Faculty of Education at Modibbo Adama University of Technology, located in Yola, Adamawa State, Nigeria. With a specialized focus on electrical technology education, Dr. Ibanga has made significant contributions to the field through both his teaching and research efforts. He holds advanced degrees in electrical technology and education, which have equipped him with a unique blend of practical skills and theoretical knowledge. His academic journey and professional experiences have been marked by a commitment to advancing educational methodologies and improving technological applications in education. (email: 

Received 2024-04-30
Accepted 2024-06-02
Published 2024-06-02



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