Assessment and Mitigation of Information Security Policy in Budgeting System using KAMI Index 4.1

Assessment and Mitigation of Information Security Policy in Budgeting System using KAMI Index 4.1


  • Tawar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Imam Riadi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Adiniah Gustika Pratiwi Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
  • Ariqah Adliana Siregar Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



assessment, information, KAMI index, security, charity institution


This Threats to information resources require information security management policies in every agency. The Information Security Index (KAMI Index) is one of the methods developed by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, used to evaluate the maturity level, completeness of ISO/IEC 27001:2013 implementation and information security readyness. As a national zakat institution, XYZ Organization has utilized information technology in several systems, including the budgeting system. However, the information security index has never been measured. This condition may result in the risk of threats to information security, so it is necessary to measure. The Budgeting System needs to be measured using KAMI Index 4.1. The assessment criteria are carried out on seven categories to know how the quality of the information security policy is. The results of this assessment, XYZ organization gets an electronic system score is 17, governance 75, risk management 30, framework 31, asset management 37, ICT 38, securing third party involvement 40%, service security 20%, personal data protection 27% so the total score of 5 categories is 211 or at level I+ to II. This organization has started implement the framework at early stage and has not met the initial requirements for ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification.


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Author Biographies

Tawar, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Tawar is an alumni of the Gadjah Mada University Computer Science Study Program, both undergraduate and postgraduate. Currently working as a lecturer at the Information Systems Department of Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia. He previously served as Head of the Bureau of Information and Communication systems (2008–2020). Currently, he is the Head of Data and Information Center Development. He has research interests in e-governance and information technology governance.

Imam Riadi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Dr. Imam Riadi is an alumnus of Electrical Engineering Education, Yogyakarta State University for undergraduate degree, and Computer Science, Gadjah Mada University for master and doctorate degree. Currently working as a lecturer at the Information Systems Study Program and Masters in Informatics, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Adiniah Gustika Pratiwi, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Adiniah Gustika Pratiwi was born in Metro, Lampung on August 26, 2000. She is a 2018 student at the Information Systems Department, Ahmad Dahlan University. He has also attended an internship program at Technophoria Indonesia.

Ariqah Adliana Siregar, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Ariqah Adliana Siregar was born in Medan May 12, 2000. She is a 2018 student majoring in Information Systems, Ahmad Dahlan University. He was a member of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology. He has also participated in an internship at the SI-UAD Expression Room.


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How to Cite

Tawar, Imam Riadi, Adiniah Gustika Pratiwi, & Ariqah Adliana Siregar. (2022). Assessment and Mitigation of Information Security Policy in Budgeting System using KAMI Index 4.1. Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 1(01), 24–29.

