Development of a Multi-Item Inventory Model by Considering Perishable and Return of Goods in a Hospital Pharmacy

Development of a Multi-Item Inventory Model by Considering Perishable and Return of Goods in a Hospital Pharmacy


  • Roland Y.H. Silitonga Industrial Engineering Department of Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology, Indonesia
  • Ivena Jane Budiyono Industrial Engineering Department of Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology, Indonesia
  • Christine C. Bautista University of Nueva Caceres, Philippines



multi-item inventory, perishable, probabilistic, return of goods


In determining an inventory's quantity, some factors need to be considered. The factors to be considered in the pharmaceutical industry are the fluctuating demand factor (diseases are unpredictable) and the perishable factors. The purpose of this paper is to propose a probabilistic inventory model by considering perishable and return of goods. Compared to the previous models, the developed model has lower inventory costs when compared to the model not considering the return of goods and higher inventory costs when compared to the model that considers deterministic demand patterns. The sensitivity analysis was done to see the behavior of the total cost, component costs, and time to order. The parameters to be changed for the sensitivity test were a fraction of good condition goods, holding costs per unit per period, and ordering cost per unit per period. The analysis showed that total cost, based on joint order, is sensitive to the fraction of good condition products. In general, the model was perceived as able to describe the behavior of the model components.


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Author Biographies

Roland Y.H. Silitonga, Industrial Engineering Department of Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Roland Y. H. Silitonga. His undergraduate degree is in Mechanical Engineering (1993); master degree (1999) and doctorate degree (2016) are in Industrial Engineering and Management from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. His research focus is in Inventory System, Innovation Management, Industrial Value Chain Analysis. (email:  

Ivena Jane Budiyono, Industrial Engineering Department of Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Ivena Jane Budiyono was born in Bandung on July 21, 1998. Her undergraduate degree is in Supply Chain Management from Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology (ITHB), Bandung, Indonesia (2021). Her research focus is in Inventory System. (email:

Christine C. Bautista, University of Nueva Caceres, Philippines

Christine C. Bautista. She is a Registered Electrical Engineer and the Dean of College of Engineering and Architecture, University of Nueva Caceres, Philippines. Her master’s degree is in Electrical Engineering from Mapua University, Philippines (2019). Her research interest is in renewable energy, energy management, and disaster risk management. (email:


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How to Cite

Roland Y.H. Silitonga, Ivena Jane Budiyono, & Christine C. Bautista. (2022). Development of a Multi-Item Inventory Model by Considering Perishable and Return of Goods in a Hospital Pharmacy. Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 1(01), 9–14.

