Exploring the Influence of Mental Workload on Performance Factors: A Case Study in Education

Exploring the Influence of Mental Workload on Performance Factors: A Case Study in Education





COVID-19, Mental Workload, Performance, Simple Linear Regression, Teacher


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, educational institutions in Indonesia, including vocational schools in Bontang, adopted remote learning policies to continue education. Surveys and interviews conducted with teachers at a vocational school revealed signs of stress, including quick temper, continuous mistakes in tasks, and forgetfulness. This study seeks to assess the level of mental workload, teacher performance, and the impact of mental workload factors on the performance of vocational teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teacher performance is the dependent variable, while mental workload is the independent variable. Mental workload dimensions measured include time pressure, mental effort, and psychological stress, whereas teacher performance has work quality, accuracy/speed of work, initiative in work, workability, and communication. The study involved a sample of 20 teachers from a vocational school. Data analysis utilized simple linear regression processed using SPSS software. Subjective assessments of mental workload by teachers indicated that the highest proportion was the need for increased concentration during teaching activities. Regarding teacher performance, the highest ratios were associated with mastering teaching materials, managing the teaching-learning process, and leading the class during the COVID-19 pandemic. The simple linear regression testing results revealed a low influence of the existing mental workload on teachers' performance. The R square value indicated that mental workload affected teacher performance by 14.7%, with the rest influenced by variables outside the regression model.


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Author Biographies

Choirul Bariyah, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

 is affiliated with the Department of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. Her expertise lies in Industrial Ergonomics, Human Reliability Analysis, Cognitive Ergonomics, and Human Factors. She has published several research papers on product design, human performance, biomechanics, and human reliability. She has four articles indexed by Scopus with an h-index of 1. Her Google Scholar profile shows an h-index of 5 and has been cited 79 times since 2015 (email: choirul.bariyah@ie.uad.ac.id).

Fikram Oktafiandi, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur

is currently engaged in Human Resources Management at PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur, located in Bontang Utara, Indonesia. He is an alumnus of Industrial Engineering at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. His academic journey has been complemented by valuable experiences, including participation in the "2019 International Summer Camp for S & T Innovation" at Beijing University of Chemical Technology (BUCT). He was part of a team that won a silver medal at the Bangkok International Intellectual Property, Invention, Innovation and Technology Exposition (IPITEx) 2019. He was also one of the authors of the "Dilan Go Green" book published in 2019. He has been honored with the prestigious Youth Achievement Award at the Kaltim level, conferred by the Governor. (linkedin.com/in/fikram-oktafiandi-44ab56225, email: fikramoktfdi@gmail.com).

Siti Mahsanah Budijati, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is affiliated with the Department of Industrial Engineering at Ahmad Dahlan University, Indonesia. Her research interests include Supply Chain Management, Reverse Logistics, System Dynamics, and Structural Equation Modeling. She has published several research papers on supply chain management, reverse logistics, and system dynamics. Her Google Scholar profile shows an h-index of 4 and has been cited 48 times since 2019.  (email: mysmbudijati@ie.uad.ac.id; Orcid ID is 0000-0001-6047-5161).


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How to Cite

Bariyah, C., Oktafiandi, F., & Budijati, S. M. (2024). Exploring the Influence of Mental Workload on Performance Factors: A Case Study in Education. Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 3(01), 17–23. https://doi.org/10.56741/jnest.v3i01.507

