Quality Analysis of Fresh Milk Based on Specific Gravity Parameters at CV Cita Nasional in Central Java, Indonesia

Quality Analysis of Fresh Milk Based on Specific Gravity Parameters at CV Cita Nasional in Central Java, Indonesia





fresh milk, raw material, specific gravity, quality


In maintaining the quality of milk produced, it is necessary to supervise and control quality. One important aspect is controlling the specific gravity value of fresh milk. The specific gravity parameter of fresh milk is one of the determinants of whether the milk can be accepted or rejected as raw material. In addition, it is also a determining factor in determining the selling price of milk. To determine the quality control of the specific gravity of fresh milk, the control chart analysis method is used. The results of the analysis that have been carried out from various KUDs obtained the average specific gravity of fresh milk from Capita Farm KUD which is 1.0295 g / mL; the average specific gravity of fresh milk from KUD Cepogo is 1.0265 g/mL; the average specific gravity of fresh milk from Andini KUD is 1.0266 g/mL; the average specific gravity of fresh milk from Getasan KUD is 1.0268 g/mL, and the average specific gravity of fresh milk from Boyolali Kota KUD is 1.0292 g/mL. The specific gravity value of fresh milk supplied from various KUD can be concluded that the specific gravity value meet the company's quality standards, SNI, and existing literature so it is said that the specific gravity of fresh milk in CV Cita Nasional is in control, and can be accepted as raw material for making pasteurized milk.


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Author Biographies

Farida Dwi Rahmawati, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is a student in the Food Technology Study Program, at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This journal became the first journal she published on the analysis of milk quality control. (email: farida2100033082@webmail.uad.ac.id).

Titisari Juwitaningtyas, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

is a lecturer and Head of the Food Technology Study Program, at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia. She has expertise in food technology, halal food, quality management, and green industrial technology. (email: titisari.juwitaningtyas@tp.uad.ac.id).


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How to Cite

Rahmawati, F. D., & Juwitaningtyas, T. (2024). Quality Analysis of Fresh Milk Based on Specific Gravity Parameters at CV Cita Nasional in Central Java, Indonesia. Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 3(02), 54–58. https://doi.org/10.56741/jnest.v3i02.533

