Simulation and Analysis of Hatchback Car Driving Comfort and Handling Performance

Simulation and Analysis of Hatchback Car Driving Comfort and Handling Performance




driving comfort, handling performance, hatchback car, simulation


Hatchback cars are one type of car that is widely used in Indonesia. Indonesia has various road conditions. What is essential for a vehicle is its driving comfort and handling performance. These aspects are not only to fulfil individual interests but also to increase safety while driving.   The driving comfort can be tested through the chassis twisted road test, and the handling performance is tested through the double lane change test. Both tests are carried out by simulation with the CarSim software that applies mathematical modelling. The driving comfort is tested with a speed variation of 8 km/h to 16 km/h. Handling performance was tested with variations in loading of 1 passenger, four passengers, and four passengers + luggage. The parameters used to measure driving comfort are vertical acceleration, pitch, and roll angle. The parameters for handling performance are lateral acceleration, yaw and roll angle, and sheer force. The results show that the best driving comfort is obtained at 8 km/h. The handling performance value will improve if the vehicle load decreases.


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Author Biographies

Mohamad Yamin, Universitas Gunadarma

is the Center for  Automotive  Research Head at Gunadarma University, Jakarta, Indonesia. His undergraduate degree is in Aeronautics from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia   (1993),   and his doctorate (2003)  is in  Aerodynamics,  ILR,  TU-Berlin, Germany. His research interests are  Computational Fluid Dynamics, Aerodynamics,  Dynamics and Control,   EV,   and   Machine Learning. (email:

Cokorda Prapti Mahandari, Universitas Gunadarma

is the Vice   Director of the Technology and Engineering Directorate of the Magister Program at Gunadarma University. She graduated from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, majoring in  Mechanical Engineering in 1993. Her M. Eng in Energy Technology was from AIT (1997), and her doctorate was from UI (2010). Her research interests are energy conversion and energy conservation. (email:

Mega Maulida Mumtaz, Universitas Gunadarma

is a Researcher at the Center of Automotive Research, Gunadarma University. She received her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Gunadarma University, Indonesia, in 2020. Her master's degree in mechanical Engineering was obtained from Gunadarma University in 2022. Her research interests are vehicle dynamics and control systems (email:  


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How to Cite

Yamin, M., Mahandari, C. P., & Mumtaz, M. M. (2023). Simulation and Analysis of Hatchback Car Driving Comfort and Handling Performance . Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 2(03), 89–93.

