The Application of the Technology Readiness Acceptance Model on Education

The Application of the Technology Readiness Acceptance Model on Education




Educational Technology, School Management, Technology Adoption , Technology Readiness


The development of science and technology has changed the work system, including in educational institutions. Rapid information and communication technology changes are now essential factors in changing education management. Improving the quality of education can leverage the quality of a nation. Technology in the teaching field provides many opportunities in various aspects of education and learning, such as academic services, access to learning materials, educational evaluation, management of lesson content, reports on student learning outcomes and the use of digital-based learning media by teachers. The use of technology in learning can create a competitive environment for students and teachers to be more creative and innovative. Education in Technology Study (Edtech) has become a global concern, especially during a pandemic. The revitalization and development of teacher and student synergy in implementing digital technology-based education will accelerate the education revolution 4.0.


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Author Biographies

Zidnii Ilma Nafia, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Zidnii Ilma Nafia MS. Born in Yogyakarta, Februari 12, 1993. Bachelor of Information systems from AMIKOM University, Yogyakarta graduated in 2016 and Early Childhood Education from Bina Insan Mulia Islamic Education Yogyakarta graduated in 2017. Master of Education Management Ahmad Dahlan University, graduated in 2023. The main research is on Teacher Leadership and Education Technology.

Dian Hidayati, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Dian Hidayati. Born in Jakarta on December 7, 1978, Teaching Staff at Ahmad Dahlan University. ITENAS Environmental Engineering Study Program, Bandung, graduated in 2002; Masters in Management, UNPAD, Bandung, graduated in 2005. Doctoral Degree in Educational Administration, UPI, Bandung, 2018. The main research is on Education management and management information systems.

Dwi Sulisworo, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Dwi Sulisworo is a professor in Educational Technology and a lecturer at the Physics Education Study Program, Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He got bachelor in Mechanical Engineering and master in Industrial Management and Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung. His doctor degree was from Universitas Negeri Malang. He has a research interest in the learning strategies by utilizing information and communication technology. He has many publications in various reputable journals. (email:


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How to Cite

Nafia, Z. I., Hidayati, D., & Sulisworo, D. (2023). The Application of the Technology Readiness Acceptance Model on Education. Journal of Novel Engineering Science and Technology, 2(01), 9–15.

